zaterdag 30 januari 2016
January Favorites
Holy crap, it's like I fell off the face of the earth for like three weeks, but hey, at least I'm back. Let's just say that exam season kicked my ass! But as a way of saying sorry for disappearing, I figured I owed you at least a favorites post! So here we go...
Favorite TV-show
Fans of the Mortal Instruments series, listen up: Shadowhunters is THE show for you to watch! Based on the book series written by Cassandra Clare, Shadowhunters is a show about a young girl named Clary whose mother gets kidnapped and who gets thrown into the world of the supernatural. There are werewolves and vampires and gay glittery warlocks, honestly, what more could a girl ask for?
The fact that the main characters are played by Dominic Sherwood, Matthew Daddario and Kat McNamara doesn't hurt either...
Favorite Movie
Again something where one of the main roles is played by Matthew Daddario... What can I say, he's a really funny actor! The movie in question is 'Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List' and I'm not even joking when I say I must've watched it twenty times this month alone. It's about Naomi and Ely, her gbff, living their lives in New York. But all goes to hell when Ely slips up and kisses Naomi's boyfriend...
Seriously, if you have an hour and a half to spare and you're into silly chickflicks, you have to watch this movie. It's pee-your-pants funny, romantic, cutesy, but it also has some deep moments, like the tough relationship between Ely's moms and the depression Naomi's mother is dealing with. All round must watch!
Favorite Book
I've been so busy with school for the past few weeks that I've gotten into a massive reading slump. So, in an attempt to get out of that, I reread one of my favorite books ever: 'Lola and the Boy next door' written by Stephanie Perkins. It's about an extravagant girl called Lola who used to have a massive crush on the boy next door. The boy in question moved away and she fell in love with her current boyfriend Max, a tough punkrocker with his own band. But what happens when the other boy becomes the boy next door again?
Favorite Artist
I've been a fan of 'Marina and the Diamonds' for a couple of years now, but the past month I've been blasting her music non stop. I actually managed to score tickets for her show next month and words can't express how excited I am for that!
Favorite Song
My favorite song of the month without a single doubt in my mind, has been 'I love you' by 'Said The Whale'. It's actually on the soundtrack of 'Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List, to be honest that whole soundtrack is, like, the best thing ever. GO. LISTEN!
Favorite TV-show
The fact that the main characters are played by Dominic Sherwood, Matthew Daddario and Kat McNamara doesn't hurt either...
Favorite Movie
Again something where one of the main roles is played by Matthew Daddario... What can I say, he's a really funny actor! The movie in question is 'Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List' and I'm not even joking when I say I must've watched it twenty times this month alone. It's about Naomi and Ely, her gbff, living their lives in New York. But all goes to hell when Ely slips up and kisses Naomi's boyfriend...
Seriously, if you have an hour and a half to spare and you're into silly chickflicks, you have to watch this movie. It's pee-your-pants funny, romantic, cutesy, but it also has some deep moments, like the tough relationship between Ely's moms and the depression Naomi's mother is dealing with. All round must watch!
Favorite Book
Favorite Artist
I've been a fan of 'Marina and the Diamonds' for a couple of years now, but the past month I've been blasting her music non stop. I actually managed to score tickets for her show next month and words can't express how excited I am for that!
Favorite Song
My favorite song of the month without a single doubt in my mind, has been 'I love you' by 'Said The Whale'. It's actually on the soundtrack of 'Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List, to be honest that whole soundtrack is, like, the best thing ever. GO. LISTEN!
My next post will be a February playlist, so get ready for the weirdness that is my taste in music!
dinsdag 12 januari 2016
How to: get through exam season!
I'm naturally a very panicky person and exam season always seems to bring out the worst in me. Sweaty palms and sleepless nights become part of my day to day routine and let me tell you, it's not fun!
If you're anything like me and suffer from anxiety, you've probably searched high and low for tips on how to get through these dreaded few weeks. Well, look no further 'cause I've compiled a massive list of all the little things that seem to do the trick for me.
1. Drink a lot of water.
Hydration is key while studying, ladies and gentlemen. Your brain needs the extra fluid to keep running smoothly, plus it'll keep you more awake during long study sessions. Small downside, you will have to get up to pee quite often, but trust me, after hours of studying it'll be nice to stretch your legs for a bit. Even if it's only on your way to the bathroom!
2. Take breaks.
Only taking breaks to go pee simply doesn't cut it during hours of cramming. You need to give your brain a chance to rest every once in awhile or it won't take in anymore information. Aka you'll go mad. We've all been there, don't lie. You've procrastinated for days and now you need to learn two full books on budget management in one sitting and after about three hours of non-stop studying you're ready to rip the hair out of your scalp.
Obviously, you shouldn't do that. Instead, you should get off your butt and do something else for the next couple of minutes.
3. Make summaries ahead of time.
If my teacher gives us reading to do over the upcoming week, I always do it. And not only that, I immediately summarize what I've just read. This way when exam week comes up, I already have a neat pile of chapter summaries, making it way easier for me to study the material! Last year (I'm in my second year of college), I didn't do this. I just read what the teacher told me to read and then when I wanted to start studying I would summarize the material. Basically, I never had enough time to summarize everything and I would start to majorly panic because I was so scared I would leave important stuff out. Rid yourself of this particular bad habit and just start summarizing a few weeks in advance. This way you'll be nice and prepared when those horrifying weeks actually get to you.
4. Enough is enough.
I know you want to get a good grade and I know it will never feel like you've studied enough, but trust me when I say: enough is enough. At some point, you have to tell yourself: I've done all I could and now I have to wait and see what happens. You need to put that book down, close your laptop and just go to sleep. Pulling all nighters is soooo bad for you. Your brain actually will be exhausted and you won't remember any of the information you'd been cramming all night. Instead, try to sleep as many hours as you possibly can. Even if it's just four hours, you'll at least be able to keep your eyes open while taking the test. It'll be worth it in the end!
Do you have any tips on how to overcome the stress? Leave them in the comments below!
dinsdag 5 januari 2016
January playlist 2016
A new year means new music, at least for me it does. And what better way to do that than with a playlist? January is going to be an incredibly busy month for me, so I'm going to need a lot of music to get through it. Fingers crossed I make it through!
Bashful Creatures (album) - Hippo Campus
Cry Baby (album) - Melanie Martinez
I can do better - Avril Lavigne
Everything back but you - Avril Lavigne
Everglow - Coldplay
7 years - Lukas Graham
My silver lining - First Aid Kit
Renegades - X Ambassadors
Wig in a box - Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Glory and Gore - Lorde
LA Devotee - Panic! at the Disco
Don't threaten me with a good time - Panic! at the Disco
As per usual, the weirdest combo of songs, but that's what it's going to be like living with me! Sorry mum and dad! :D
Wig in a box - Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Glory and Gore - Lorde
LA Devotee - Panic! at the Disco
Don't threaten me with a good time - Panic! at the Disco
As per usual, the weirdest combo of songs, but that's what it's going to be like living with me! Sorry mum and dad! :D
zaterdag 2 januari 2016
My new year's resolutions
As is customary for every blogger to share with the world at the start of a new year, I have put together a list of all the things I want to change in 2016! Some will be life related, other school, I'll figure it out as I go along...
1. Start working out daily.
I don't do exercise, like, at all. Which I know is awful and it will probably kill me or something, but I'm just so darn lazy! The thought of getting of my butt and actually do something that requires moving, makes me exhausted. So, for the past few years, I simply refused. But that stops now. This year I'm going to put in the effort to get a healthier way of living. I've decided that since I hate cardio with a burning passion, I'm not going to put myself through that. Instead, I've found a couple of fun dance-y type workout videos on youtube that I'm going to try to follow along. For the people who want to workout with me, I've listed a few of the videos below.
2. Figure out the school situation.
The past couple of months have not been the easiest in school. A lot of things have gone wrong with the project I'm working on and to be honest, I'm freaking out about it. It feels like it's all slipping through my fingers and I can't stand that feeling. The solution? Getting my sh*t together!
3. Drink more water.
I drink two half liters of tea every day, but that's not nearly enough to survive on. So, I'm going to need to up my water intake every day. Drinking a lot of water is beneficial for so many things, like clearing up your skin, strengthening your hair, losing weight...
4. Spend more time with friends.
I'm a recluse, a hermit who likes to spend her days cooped up in her room with her laptop and her books. But this is not very normal behaviour for a nineteen year old. I like to jokingly say I'm nineteen going on ninety, but I actually resemble an old lady more than I'd like to admit. 2016 seems like a good year to change things up a bit.
5. Experiment with makeup more.
I love makeup more than anything in the world. So much even, that I'm going to get my degree for Allround Makeup Artist after I get my degree in Creative Business. But lately, I've been kind of slacking in the makeup department. To be honest, I've been kind of stuck in a rut and it's time to get out of that. For christmas I received quite a bit of new products, so I'm all set to get going with the new trends!
6. Finish one of my books.
I'm currently writing about eleven or twelve stories. All of them are over 50 000 words, but none of them are actually finished. Ridiculous, right! This needs to change. I've already picked the story I'm going to be working on this year, so fingers crossed!
7. Read more.
I think this one is on a lot of people's resolutions lists. School has taken up so much of my time lately that I've barely had time to read a book or two... Such a shame...
8. Watch more movies.
I have a notebook filled with a long list of movies that I haven't watched yet, but really want to. So far, there are about 200 movies on there and it's time to start making my way through it!
9. Blog every week (maybe even twice a week).
With school and other stuff going on, I've kind of abandoned my blog for a few weeks. Writing a blogpost migrated to the bottom of my to do list and this coming year I'm placing it in the top three.
10. Live more for me and less for others.

To go along with my love for makeup, I have a serious obsession with fashion. Kooky, quirky and slightly weird pieces are my favorites as well as a healthy dose of leopard print and short skirts. Not everybody might like my style, but I honestly adore wearing exciting outfits. It makes my day a lot better knowing I'm wearing something extravagant. Some of my fashion icons are: Fran Fine (from 'The Nanny), Clemence Poesy, Audrey Tautou and Emma Watson. All of them are different, but they have one thing in common: femininity! I get scared of what other people will think of me when I wear that certain skirt or that top and it's geting ridiculous. 2016 is the year I'll be wearing what I want and not what other people expect me to wear.
1. Start working out daily.
I don't do exercise, like, at all. Which I know is awful and it will probably kill me or something, but I'm just so darn lazy! The thought of getting of my butt and actually do something that requires moving, makes me exhausted. So, for the past few years, I simply refused. But that stops now. This year I'm going to put in the effort to get a healthier way of living. I've decided that since I hate cardio with a burning passion, I'm not going to put myself through that. Instead, I've found a couple of fun dance-y type workout videos on youtube that I'm going to try to follow along. For the people who want to workout with me, I've listed a few of the videos below.
2. Figure out the school situation.
The past couple of months have not been the easiest in school. A lot of things have gone wrong with the project I'm working on and to be honest, I'm freaking out about it. It feels like it's all slipping through my fingers and I can't stand that feeling. The solution? Getting my sh*t together!
3. Drink more water.
I drink two half liters of tea every day, but that's not nearly enough to survive on. So, I'm going to need to up my water intake every day. Drinking a lot of water is beneficial for so many things, like clearing up your skin, strengthening your hair, losing weight...
4. Spend more time with friends.
5. Experiment with makeup more.
I love makeup more than anything in the world. So much even, that I'm going to get my degree for Allround Makeup Artist after I get my degree in Creative Business. But lately, I've been kind of slacking in the makeup department. To be honest, I've been kind of stuck in a rut and it's time to get out of that. For christmas I received quite a bit of new products, so I'm all set to get going with the new trends!
6. Finish one of my books.
I'm currently writing about eleven or twelve stories. All of them are over 50 000 words, but none of them are actually finished. Ridiculous, right! This needs to change. I've already picked the story I'm going to be working on this year, so fingers crossed!
7. Read more.
I think this one is on a lot of people's resolutions lists. School has taken up so much of my time lately that I've barely had time to read a book or two... Such a shame...
8. Watch more movies.
I have a notebook filled with a long list of movies that I haven't watched yet, but really want to. So far, there are about 200 movies on there and it's time to start making my way through it!
9. Blog every week (maybe even twice a week).
With school and other stuff going on, I've kind of abandoned my blog for a few weeks. Writing a blogpost migrated to the bottom of my to do list and this coming year I'm placing it in the top three.
10. Live more for me and less for others.

To go along with my love for makeup, I have a serious obsession with fashion. Kooky, quirky and slightly weird pieces are my favorites as well as a healthy dose of leopard print and short skirts. Not everybody might like my style, but I honestly adore wearing exciting outfits. It makes my day a lot better knowing I'm wearing something extravagant. Some of my fashion icons are: Fran Fine (from 'The Nanny), Clemence Poesy, Audrey Tautou and Emma Watson. All of them are different, but they have one thing in common: femininity! I get scared of what other people will think of me when I wear that certain skirt or that top and it's geting ridiculous. 2016 is the year I'll be wearing what I want and not what other people expect me to wear.
What are your New Year's Resolutions? Planning on keeping up them? I probably won't, but it's nice to think I tried...
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