woensdag 10 augustus 2016
My School Routine Tag

Q1: How long does it take you to get to school?
It usually takes me about 45 minutes to get to school, since I live in a small town and the college I go to is smackdab in the middle of the nearest city. I take a buss and then a tram to get there, followed by five minutes of walking.
Q2: What do you like to eat for lunch at school?
Most of the time I will bring a pasta salad to school, it's easy and super yummy, but also a lot healthier than the stuff most of my classmates buy at the school cantine. If I'm in a hurry, I will buy something to eat at school, a smoked salmon and lettuce wrap is my favorite.
Q3: What classes are you going to be taking?
I'm actually not going to be taking classes for the next five months as I'm going to be interning at a local theatre at their PR & Marketing department! I'm sooo excited, but also slightly terrified as I've never had an office job before, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough!
Q4: What's your favorite subject?
In High School my favorite subject was Maths and English, but now that I am in college I don't take those classes anymore. Now my favorite classes are Business English, Budgeting and Statistics. I like working with numbers...
Q5: What's your least favorite subject?
In my High School days I used to hate History and Geography with a fiery passion, but since I'm in college now my most hated subject is probably Internal Communications. It's just not my thing.
Q6: What year are you in?
I'm going to be starting my third year at college in a few weeks. Time has literally flown by!
Q7: What time do you get out of school?
In the past two years my schedule has been everchanging. I would have school from one to three one day and from 9 to six the next! My schedule is going to be a lot more dependable in the next few months, seeing as I will be working a 9 to 5 job!
Q8: What do you like to wear to school?
Anything and everything, really. I've never had a dress code to follow and I have quite a broad taste in fashion, so I can't really pin my style down. A normal outfit for me would usually be a dress and heels though.
Q9: How early do you wake up for school?
As I mentioned earlier, I didn't really have a set schedule for school, so I got up at a different time almost every day. I need at least an hour and a half to get ready, though, so that's going to be fun when I actually start working in a few weeks.
Q10: What's your favorite item in your backpack?
It's a tie between my planner and my bronze notebook. I am a planner girl at heart and can't imagine going even a day without my planner, so that's a definite must have for me. But then there's my bronze notebook that I schlep around everywhere I go. It has about every story idea in it I've ever had, so it's super special to me and I would be devastated if I ever lost it!
Okay, that was all for today's tag! This was so much fun to write, back to school honestly is my favorite time of the year!
maandag 8 augustus 2016
Review: Sweeney Todd The Musical

The venue where the play was going to be performed was a little weird at first. It looked like a cross between a high school and a nunnery, once inside the theatre it still didn't look quite right. Even when we sat down, I wasn't that impressed with the set. It seemed really simple and even though that is not necessarily a bad thing, I was a little worried!
But then, the music started and the first sentence was sung and I was in love. The actors used the room in such a way that you fully forget this wasn't real. That the story of Sweeney Todd wasn't actually happening around me, that I wasn't a part of it all.
To me, this is what takes a musical from great to incredible, if the cast can make me forget it is a musical. And boy oh boy, did this cast manage to do that!
By the way, let's talk about the cast, because to be completely honest, I found out about this musical because of its lead. René van Kooten is a Dutch actor who I think is absolutely amazing. I saw him in two more musicals: The Musical Zorro and Jersey Boys. And let me tell you, AMAZING!
So, when I heard he was going to be playing the role of Sweeney Todd, a fictional character I adore, I just knew I had to see it. Totally worth the watch! Also, the woman who played Mrs. Lovett? Couldn't have been more perfect! Her voice and appearance truly matched the image I have in my head when I think of the lovely Mrs. Lovett.
So, all in all. If you're a fan of morbid humour, murder and musicals, you need, need, need to go see this musical!
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